Your support inspires change so people and nature thrive.

People worldwide are working with Rare to inspire change so people and nature thrive. They need your help. Your support today will help Rare take immediate action to empower communities, sustain critical ecosystems, boost livelihoods and inspire pride in our natural resources. Thank you. Rare would not be able to do its work without donors like you.

Ways to give to Rare

From online giving with credit cards to directed donor funds, or using PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more, there are many ways to make a charitable donation to support Rare and our thousands of partner communities around the world.

Give online
Give from your DAF
Planned giving

You can also donate to Rare by bank transfer or with stocks or other securities.
For information on donating by bank transfer or donating stock or other securities, please contact Annie Schouw

Give by Mail

Checks can be made out to “Rare” and sent to:
1310 N. Courthouse Rd. Ste 110
Arlington, VA 22201 USA

Champions for Change

Champions for Change logo.Rare’s Champions for Change give $1,000+ annually or $85+ monthly to accelerate our mission to inspire change so people and nature thrive. The collective support of Champions enables Rare’s work on the ground and alongside thousands of communities to help protect coastal waters, critical landscapes, biodiversity, people, and the climate. 

Champions for Change receive specially designed benefits that showcase the impact of their support on Rare’s work globally, in communities, and for individuals. To date, Rare has worked across 60 countries, empowering more than 10 million individuals in 1,700+ communities to adopt sustainable and climate-friendly behaviors and practices.  

Rare Accepts Gifts of Real Estate

Over the years, our supporters have desired to make charitable gifts of real estate. We know that gifts of appreciated assets significantly improve outcomes for our donors, so we have established a collaboration with Realty Gift Fund, a special purpose nonprofit who dedicates their expertise to facilitating these types of gifts to America’s nonprofits. Through their mission, gifts of real estate are simple, safe and rewarding. Donations of real estate are tax deductible. The typical tax deduction is based on a current appraisal less any cash paid to or on behalf of the donor (say, to pay-off a mortgage). The tax deduction is taken in the year of the gift and, if necessary, can be carried forward for five additional tax years.

For answers to frequently asked questions check out the FAQs here.

If you have additional questions, please contact Annie Schouw at for a no obligation, confidential discussion.

Give from Your Donor-advised Fund

A donor-advised fund allows you to easily support Rare’s work around the world. If you already benefit from donor-advised funds, there are two options to send your support. If your donor-advised fund’s sponsoring organization is participating, you may recommend a gift to Rare right here on this website via the DAF widget below.

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Select the sponsoring organization from the “Donate now from” field.
  2. Enter the amount (in dollars) you would like to recommend in the “Amount” field.
  3. Click on the “NEXT” button to proceed to your sponsoring organization’s website to complete your donor-advised fund transaction. You will then be directed to an external website to complete your transaction.

If your sponsoring organization is not listed, please direct the fund to make checks payable to Rare and mail them to:

1310 N. Courthouse Road, Suite 110
Arlington, VA 22201

Rare’s TAX ID: 23-7380563

Rare Legacy Circle

The Rare Legacy Circle recognizes the generous supporters who fuel Rare’s mission to inspire change so people and nature thrive through a legacy gift commitment. Their support has helped us reach thousands of communities in more than 60 countries.

Right now, Rare has effective community-led behavior change projects underway, helping fishers, farmers, American consumers, and other resource users around the world safeguard the lands, waters, and atmosphere on which all life depends. By leaving a gift to Rare in your will or trust, your support will help deliver positive and enduring change for people and the planet.

Your legacy gift will be used to:

  • Empower local leaders to inspire their communities to take pride in, and protect, their natural resources
  • Help catalyze the global behavior change movement toward sustainable small-scale fisheries, regenerative agriculture, and individual and collective climate action
  • Revitalize coastal communities, ensuring resiliency, food security, and livelihoods for generations tocome
  • Ensure small-holder farmers in the world’s most biodiverse regions are adopting soil-friendly, carbon-sinking practices
  • Equip environmental practitioners everywhere with the behavioral tools they need to design and deliver stronger solutions
  • Motivate Americans to adopt high-impact climate-friendly behaviors, significantly reducing carbon emissions in the U.S. and beyond

Let us help you create a personal legacy with global impact. To learn more about how creating a legacy at Rare can help meet your goals, contact Annie Schouw, Chief Development Officer, at

Meet Rare’s Donors

Rare is grateful to our many partners, volunteers, and champions for their critical support of our work. Below, a few donors share why they chose to get involved with us.

Carla Villacorta and her family skiing.
Carla & Roland Villacorta

Carla says Rare has helped her family be more mindful of their own environmental impact and carbon footprint. She also credits that first visit with Rare to the Philippines with sparking the family’s desire to focus their giving more broadly in the country.

READ MORE ABOUT The Villacortas

Gary Goldring posing with his fishing pole.
Gary Goldring

Gary relates to Rare’s mission: “I identify with the idea that people have to believe in their value and the value of their surroundings to incentivize positive behaviors.”

Read more about Gary

Jeremy Roschelle backpacking with his sons.
Jeremy Roschelle

For Jeremy, giving to Rare also connects his personal and professional life. “Rare has continued to fit with my family over the years. It’s not about parrots for us anymore.” Today, Jeremy and his family support Rare’s coastal fisheries program, Fish Forever, in Mozambique.

Read more about Jeremy

Manuela Zonensein and Andy posing together.
Manuela Zoninsein

As a philanthropist and angel investor in women-led sustainable tech companies, Manuela gives to various causes and sectors, including the environment, women’s rights, and innovation. “I love Rare’s behavioral work. I believe that Rare is really smart, well-trained people doing the hard work and spending money in the most useful and effective way possible.”

Read more about Manuela

Sam Rose
Sam Rose

Philanthropist Sam Rose is a realist. “We don’t appreciate the earth. It’s amazing, the whole story of how this all came to be,” he says. “And giving to the environment gives me a good feeling.” Rare credits Sam with pushing the organization to launch a U.S.-based climate program to inspire Americans to reduce their emissions.

Read more about Sam

Tax Saving Considerations

Charitable giving offers tax benefits across various income types, enabling you to support the cause you care about while optimizing your financial plans.

Gifts of Appreciated Stock & Real Estate

Donating stock or securities that you have held for more than a year can offer you several benefits: You can typically avoid paying capital gains taxes on the appreciation of those assets, deduct the full fair-market value of the donated asset on your taxes, and ultimately, give more to the cause you care about.

Your appreciated assets can include those that are not publicly traded, like restricted stock, real estate, or cryptocurrencies.

IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions (for those age 70.5 and over)

Individuals age 70.5 or over can donate up to $100,000 in IRA assets directly to charity annually, without taking the distribution into taxable income. For married couples who both meet the qualifying age 70.5 or over when distributions are made and both have IRAs, each spouse can donate up to $100,000 for a maximum of $200,000 annually, without taking the distribution into taxable income.

*Please contact Annie Schouw at to discuss the potential tax benefits associated with your giving, or to be connected with a tax professional should you need assistance.

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