Ensuring policies meet the needs of communities on nature’s frontlines

Local people and local communities most impacted by climate change and other environmental challenges must be equal partners in the policy-making that impacts their lives and livelihoods. Rare is committed to accelerating global ambition, action, and investment for local communities on nature’s frontlines.

How does Rare support policy-making?

Rare supports local, national and international policy-making that reflects the needs, priorities, and aspirations of people living in frontline communities, and grants them a greater role in sustainably managing the natural resources they depend on. We work toward these people-centered policies by: 

Designing local and national policies that enable community-led resource management

Implementing policies that contribute to community empowerment, climate action, and sustainable development  

Elevating local voices at prominent events on the global stage 

Connecting local leaders together in frontline communities  

Policy Priorities 

Linking policy action with behavioral science for conservation outcomes

Policy change should not just impose restrictions but reflect how humans behave, make decisions, and respond to policy decisions. Rare serves as a global thought leader on linking policy design with behavioral science to produce people-centered policies that enable long-term conservation outcomes, including for the delivery of the Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement.  

Learn why the Global Biodiversity Framework needs behavior change:

Watch the Webinar

Driving equitable, people-centered implementation of 30×30 

To achieve the goal of protecting 30 percent of lands and oceans by 2030 (30×30), Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) can complement traditional Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by pairing protection with sustainable use. This ensures Indigenous People and local communities, who depend on the ocean for food and livelihoods, can access and fish these waters sustainably. Rare works with national government partners to include OECMs in their 30×30 policies, and ensure coastal communities are empowered with the rights to access and manage their waters.

Learn about Rare’s works on OECMs:

Read the Article

Learn more about Rare’s work with communities & local governments establishing coastal protections:

Brazil Honduras Indonesia PALAU

Supporting climate & biodiversity policy alignment

Coastal and rural communities adapting to the impacts of climate change depend on healthy ecosystems. Rare works with government partners and global leaders to connect biodiversity and climate policies with building the resilience and food security of frontline communities, mobilizing finance to implement these commitments, and accelerating implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework and Paris Agreement.  

Learn about our work on…

Blue Carbon Ecosystem-based adaptation


Strengthening coastal governance through legal access & empowerment of small-scale fishers

Formalizing the rights of small-scale fishing communities to sustainably fish and manage local coastal waters improves fisheries governance, prevents industrial development and overexploitation of key resources, and can ensure healthy and thriving marine ecosystems. Rare works to support local fisheries management bodies, to enable participatory management of coastal ecosystems. 

Learn about our work to advance…

Access Rights in Mozambique Fisher Registration in Palau


Photo of a group of local leaders taking their Coastal 500 pledge.
Photo of a group of local leaders taking their Coastal 500 pledge.

Connecting mayors and local government leaders to drive effective coastal management

Mayors and other local leaders drive local action for their communities and ecosystems, and collectively, influence national and global policy change. The Rare-sponsored Coastal 500, a global network of mayors and local leaders, catalyzes local leaders’ commitment to thriving and prosperous coastal communities. 

Members of the Coastal 500 join Rare’s delegations to UN climate, biodiversity, food, and ocean events to ensure local perspectives are part of that global dialogues that shape the policies that impact their communities.  

Learn more about our work with local leaders

Bringing the Local Perspective to the Global Stage

Rare is committed to lifting local voices and perspectives at global conferences, where policies that impact them are produced. Click on the logos below to learn about our recent experiences on the global stage.