2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16)

Applying people-centered solutions to achieving the Global Biodiversity Framework 


At the 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15), 188 countries adopted the Global Biodiversity Framework. This October, countries will reconvene in Calí, Colombia for COP16 to plan for the implementation of the Framework and explore how to effectively mobilize resources and action for biodiversity conservation.

Participation and perspective from all levels of government, especially from Indigenous Peoples and local communities who live and work on nature’s frontlines is critical to achieving the goals of the Framework. At COP 16, Rare is focused on advancing the people-centered implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework, ensuring local voices are leading conversations, elevating frontline fishing and farming communities in the design of biodiversity & climate solutions, and marshaling finance to local communities.

Where to Find Rare at COP16

The following is a list of some of the events Rare is hosting or otherwise participating in during COP16.

A People-Centered Approach to Achieving the Global Biodiversity Framework(Oct 28 –  Green Zone, Casa Pa Voz) An evening reception co-hosted by Rare and the CBD Secretariat, focused on the need for solutions that include the people most impacted by the biodiversity crisis in planning and implementation. REGISTER HERE
OECMs as People-Centered Approaches to Coastal Conservation (Oct 31 – Blue Zone
Marie Khan Women’s Caucus meeting room, Plaza One) This event will convene leaders from government and NGOs to discuss how Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) can contribute to 30×30.
 Register here
8th Summit for Subnational Governments and Cities (Oct 26 – Blue Zone) A parallel event to CBD COP16 to elevate the voice of local and subnational governments. Mayor Ricardo Alvarado of Omoa, Honduras will represent the Coastal 500 at this parallel event to CBD COP16, to elevate the voice of local and subnational governments.
Safeguarding Seas and Coastal Communities: A Human-Centered Approach to Marine Conservation (Oct 24 – Banco de Occidente, Sala 3, Cra. 4 #7-61, Green Zone) Rare VP of Central America Diana Vasquez will speak at this session highlighting the critical role local communities play in marine conservation, with a focus on social safeguards and Marine Protected Areas to protect both community rights and marine biodiversity.
From COP 16 to UNOC 3: Transformative Action to Address Target 1 in Coastal and Marine Areas (Oct 29 – EU Pavilion) This side-event will highlight global and national spatial planning tools and other effective management processes aimed at implementing participatory and transformative actions for the sustainable use and conservation of marine biodiversity, both in national waters and areas beyond national jurisdiction.


Colombia Spotlight

When the world comes to Colombia, they will see a nation that is turning the page from years of conflict to a brighter future for people and nature. Rare has proudly worked in Colombia for a decade. Today, our Lands for Life program is enabling smallholder farmers to adopt regenerative agriculture practices that protect biodiversity and improve their own yields.

Learn about Rare’s Lands for Life program

Rare and OECMs

Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) are an ocean conservation tool that pair protection with sustainable use by local communities—and they offer a vital pathway to 30×30. Find out how Rare is helping countries achieve their 30×30 goals with OECMs.

Read the article


A Rare Biodiversity Story

For 50 years, Rare has worked to conserve biodiversity with people-centered solutions. Learn more about Rare’s legacy of merging biodiversity protection with community wellbeing to meet the needs of people and nature.

Read the story

Why Delivering the Global Biodiversity Framework Needs Behavior Change

Following CBD COP15, Rare and the Chester Zoo brought together thought leaders from the conservation, environmental, and behavioral science spaces for a webinar discussing the keys to unlocking effective behavior change approaches to benefit people and nature.

Position Paper Sign Ons

Rare is a signatory of the following position papers ahead of COP16:

Elevating Local Leaders

As part of our mission to ensure local voices are active participants in the decisions that impact their communities, Rare’s delegation will include local leaders and members of the Coastal 500.

Mayor Ricardo Alvarado
Omoa, Honduras
Renilde Piedadé da Silva, Community Leader
Pará, Brazil 
Mailton Silva dos Santos, Community Leader
Pará, Brazil 


Rare’s Delegation to COP16

Caleb McClennen, PhD
Monica Varela
Vice President, Colombia
Rocky Sanchez Tirona
Managing Director, Fish Forever Program
Diana Vasquez
Vice President, Central America
Monique Barreto Galvao
Vice President, Brazil
Hari Kushardanto
Vice President, Indonesia
Kevin Green
Vice President, Center for Behavior & the Environment
Monica Lozano
Climate Smart Agriculture Lead
Carlos Arango
Director of Economic Resilience
Lisa Pharoah
Director, Global Development
Emily Goodwin
Senior Manager, Climate Policy
Tanmatra Bhanti
Manager, Policy & Partnerships