Rare at COP28
Advancing local leaders and local solutions on a global stage
From November 30 to December 12, global leaders will gather in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for the 28th United Nations Conference of the Parties Climate Change Conference (COP28). The conference is an opportunity for nations, corporations, and global institutions to commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building adaptation and resilience in the face of climate change.
At COP28, Rare will engage NGO partners, federal ministers, and institutional donors to advance nature-based solutions to climate change, community-led management of natural resources, and behavior-based strategies for promoting the adoption of sustainable practices so both people and nature thrive.
At COP28 and want to meet up with Rare? Get in touch!
Contact Frederik Stapke at fstapke@rare.org
Seeding regenerative agriculture with Colombian farmers
With the potential to improve soil quality—enhancing its ability to trap and store carbon—regenerative agriculture is a key climate solution. In this video Q&A, Vice President of Rare’s Lands for Life program, Monica Varela, talks about Rare’s behavior-centered, community-led approach to helping farmers in Colombia adopt regenerative practices.
Rare joins Meta, Yale to measure International Public Opinion on Climate Change
In partnership with Data for Good at Meta and Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment, we recently conducted a survey investigating public climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy preferences, and behavior among Facebook users in nearly 190 countries and territories worldwide.

Rare at COP28 Events
All times local Gulf Standard Time (GMT +4). Blue blocks indicate Rare co-hosted events. All times subject to change.
Financing ocean climate action and OECMs through innovative approachesDate: Friday, December 8 | 13:15pm – 14:45pm GST |
Local Climate Action SummitDate: December 1-2 2023 |
Let’s Talk About Money: The Why and How of Marine Nature-based Solutions FinancingDate: December 9, 2023 | 17:00 – 18:00 GST |
We Don’t Have Time: The Power of StorytellingDate: December 7, 2023 | 21:40 pm GST/12:40 pm EST |
How Businesses Are Enabling Consumer Sustainable LivingDate: December 6, 2023 | 13:30-14:30 GST |
Global Fund for Coral Reefs Launch Event 2030: The Coral Reef BreakthroughDate: December 2, 2023 | 16:30-17:45 GST |
Rare on the Frontlines of Climate Change
From helping coastal communities adapt to the impacts of climate change, to helping smallholder farmers adopt regenerative practices, to fueling the normalization of the 2030 lifestyle among Americans, Rare is on the frontlines of funneling individual change toward collective action for the climate.
Learn more about Rare’s cross-cutting climate work.