Protect Global Forests

Looking for high-ROI in terms of carbon reduction? Donate to protecting some of the world’s most valuable old-growth forests which are in danger of being clear-cut for agricultural and other commercial uses.


Plants about 16 seedlings grown for 10 years
Donate $10.00
Old Growth
Protects about an acre of forest for a year
Donate $16.15
Preserves forests that sequester enough carbon to make up for 1 American’s emissions for 1 year
Donate $268.09

*Estimates based on the EPA Greenhouse Gasses Equivalencies Calculator

High value forest conservation projects

We are constantly searching the world over for forest protection and restoration projects that deliver high returns both in terms of climate remediation as well as value for wildlife habitat and neighboring communities. Our current picks include the Katingan Peatlands project in Indonesia which soaks up 7.5 million tonnes of CO2 every year! That’s the equivalent of the annual coal-powered electricity use of nearly 1.5 million homes.

The Katingan project protects a peatland forest ecosystem of 157,000 hectares. That’s twice the size of New York City! The project not only supports the 34 neighboring villages with access to the forest, but is directly managed by the local communities – creating education, training and hundreds of well-paying jobs including many jobs for women in the area. This amazing peatland forest protects the habitats of nearly 700 different species (including 44 endangered or vulnerable species!)

Verified climate positive impact

We only consider projects that meet the highest quality and verification standards.  All of our projects are  independently verified by top organizations including Gold Standard, the Climate Action Reserve and the American Carbon Registry among others.

To meet Rare’s standards, all projects in our forest bundles must be multi-dimensional. This means that the projects support local communities and protect biodiverse habitats.  Any project offered to Rare supporters meets a rigorous set of standards, including:

  • Additional – their carbon reduction would not be achieved without the project in place.
  • Measureable – the project has a reliable and proven protocol for measuring how much greenhouse gas it prevents or sequesters.
  • Transparent – the project shares as much information as possible on a more than  annual basis.
  • Permanent – all emissions reductions or removals are long term.
  • Airight – there are no related increases in emissions related to the project.
  • Accountable – we use an enforceable carbon credit system to ensure there is no ‘double-counting’


Plants about 16 seedlings grown for 10 years
Donate $10.00
Old Growth
Protects about an acre of forest for a year
Donate $16.15
Preserves forests that sequester enough carbon to make up for 1 American’s emissions for 1 year
Donate $268.09

*Estimates based on the EPA Greenhouse Gasses Equivalencies Calculator


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Trusted names in carbon mitigation

Rare partners with the world’s most credible organizations involved in carbon mitigation projects. These are some of the partner organizations that manage projects directly or act as third-party watch-dogs to certify and verify the carbon impact.

Rare's Climate Culture partner logos.