Solar homeowner voices

American homeowners share why they got rooftop solar  

What caused you first to consider solar? What are your most exciting benefits from going solar? What tips or insights would you share with a friend or neighbor considering solar? The answers to these questions are as varied as the homeowners who have installed solar on their rooftops.     

The initiative

The Solar Homeowners Voices initiative makes it easy for solar homeowners to share their stories through video, reaching friends and neighbors who want to know more from trusted sources.

According to Solar Energy Industries Association, there’s enough solar energy currently installed in the US to power 26 million households. And rooftop solar installations are increasing faster than ever — solar installations increased 30% during the first quarter of 2023. 

But many homeowners that Rare speak with indicate that they would like to hear more from trusted homeowners in their communities. With this in mind, Rare has collaborated with solar industry leaders to create the Solar Homeowner Voices initiative. We plan to record and promote videos of homeowners offering their perspectives and advice in their own words. Neither Rare nor this initiative endorses any single solar company. Neither Rare nor the solar homeowners involved are being compensated for their participation.  

Share your solar story

Are you a rooftop solar homeowner with a story to share? Tell Rare your story and help us grow the number of US homes powered by solar energy. We’ll schedule a virtual or in-person interview to learn about your solar experience and help you spread your story far and wide!

Who is Rare?

Rare is a global leader in driving social change for people and nature. For nearly 50 years, across 60 countries, we have inspired millions of people and their communities to shift their behaviors and practices to protect our shared planet.