Help Put Rare on Stage at
South by Southwest (SXSW), the annual festival held in Austin, Texas at the intersection of the arts, media, and culture, invites public input into the conference agenda through a “PanelPicker” vote. This year, the slate of potential panels includes two submissions from Rare.
WANT TO STOP CLIMATE CHANGE? MAKE IT PERSONALThis session will provide insight into a campaign to engage campuses, corporations, and cities across the country in inspiring Americans to reduce their carbon footprint through a simple strategy: Make It Personal. |
IT’S NOT ME, IT’S YOU: SOCIAL INFLUENCE & CLIMATEThis session will explore the drivers of pro-environmental behaviors, and how moving away from doom and gloom messages and toward social interventions could help reduce U.S. emissions. |
Your vote could help get us on stage at the next SXSW (March 16-22, 2020). Community voting counts for 30% of the selection process!
All you need to do is:
- Visit both or either of the links above
- If you haven’t already, create an account. This is simple, quick and free. Just click “sign in” and follow the prompts.
- Vote
- Share with your friends!