Rare Reads

At Rare, we always have a good book in hand, and our interests are as diverse as our staff. Each month, a Rare staff member will choose a book that illustrates Rare's commitment to engaging, thought-provoking, and solutions-based storytelling around conservation and climate change.

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Book of the Month: August

Not the End of the World
Dr. Hannah Ritchie

That’s the stance of Dr. Hannah Ritchie, senior researcher in the Programme on Global Development at the University of Oxford and author of the book, Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet. The book, which Ritchie describes as “bold” and “radically hopeful,” utilizes data as a reality check on our current environmental crisis. According to Ritchie’s comprehensive data set, our planet may be in a much better place than we once thought.

However, a much larger truth lies behind Ritchie’s data: “Things getting better does not mean our job is done.” Not the End of the World presents a call for “urgent optimism,” where every individual – from ordinary citizens to politicians – is encouraged to take action because we still have a planet worth saving.

Why we love it

“Dr. Ritchie’s book brings the current state of the climate crisis into eye-opening focus. Now is not the time for climate doomism, but “urgent optimism;” yes, we have made progress, but there’s still much to do. And what we choose to do now can radically change the path we’ve been on.”

— Kristi Marciano, Manager of Marketing and Communications, Rare

Book cover for Not the End of the World by Dr. Hannah Ritchie .

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