Press Release

Philippine NGOs Urge COP25 to Adopt Climate-Friendly Policies in Fisheries

December 12, 2019

Madrid – A consortium of NGOs has urged delegates to the 25th UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid to provide more support for adaptation efforts in coastal fishing communities, which face greater risk from extreme weather events.

The consortium presented their position paper at the side event “Fishing for Climate Resilience” on Thursday. The group is composed of Christian Aid, Environmental Defense Fund, Institute of Social Order, NGOs for Fisheries Reform, Rare, Save Philippine Seas, and the Tambuyog Development Center.

They noted that 60 percent of municipalities in the Philippine archipelago are located in coastal areas, exposing fishers to severe climate impacts such as storm surges and sea level rise. However, climate financing for adaptation in developing countries from 2013 to 2014 was only 25 percent, compared to 70 percent for mitigation projects.

A balanced funding portfolio and improved access to climate finance would enhance resilience in the agriculture and fisheries sector in the Philippines, where an estimated PHP 26 billion per year in losses through 2050 is expected due to direct climate risks, according to the International Food Policy Research Institute.

Nature-based solutions and socio-economic behavior change strategies, as prescribed in the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere, are also necessary for maintaining ecosystem services for the benefit of humans and other forms of life on earth.

The consortium recognized the significant role of oceans in reaching targets for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).

“This includes protecting or restoring coastal ‘blue carbon’ ecosystems, fostering resilience of fisheries, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the maritime transport and fisheries, and fostering ecosystem- based adaptation, the latter having both mitigation and development co- benefits,” the position paper said.



Attn. Josine Alexandra Gamboa
Manager of Government Initiatives, Rare Philippines

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