Rare is a different kind of organization.

Human behavior is the root of our global conservation and development challenges. Changing our behavior is the single most important thing we can do to ensure the long-term health of the natural world.

Behavioral problems require behavioral solutions. Through our Center for Behavior & the Environment, Rare uses the science of human behavior to encourage individuals and their communities to adopt more sustainable practices and behaviors that benefit people and nature—and ensure that change lasts.

To accomplish this, Rare:

  • Partners with local organizations and communities on the frontlines of conservation challenges to implement proven solutions
  • Trains conservation practitioners in behavior-based approaches designed to inspire action
  • Spotlights local solutions to expand their impact
  • Connects leaders from the government, nonprofit, academia, business, conservation, and other sectors to bring solutions to scale

Our Priorities

Our Programs

Our Origin

In 1977, a young student named Paul Butler arrived on the island nation of St. Lucia to find the beautiful St. Lucia parrot was in critical danger. Fewer than 100 remained. Paul knew that to save the parrot, he would need to inspire St. Lucians to be part of the solution. Working with the Forestry Department, Paul led a social marketing campaign to inspire pride in the bird. He visited schools and churches, recorded radio spots, produced bumper stickers and billboards, and he even created a parrot mascot named Jacquot.

The campaign worked. The community embraced the parrot as a national treasure, and its population surged. What made this underdog campaign successful?  Pride. The campaign stirred an emotional connection. A Rare approach was born.

Read the full inspiring story

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Women in Mozambique carying the day's catch on their heads.