Landscape analysis and opportunity study on marine biodiversity and blue carbon ecosystems in the Philippines

May 16, 2024

Cover of the AFD blue carbon report

This report aims to provide the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) with an inclusive general state of the coastal ecosystems in the Philippines, focusing on blue carbon ecosystems — mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, and salt marshes.

The landscape analysis collates a non-exhaustive list of key resources, tools, and blue carbon methodologies in the Philippines and international context to orient and inform decision-making. The report also provides an overview of select crosscutting and relevant topics to national blue carbon and coastal ecosystem protection, such as marine and coastal biodiversity, sustainable blue economy and ocean governance, initiatives/programs with a mangrove or seagrass focus (including restoration projects), coastal fisheries for biodiversity and resilience, and financial mechanisms for blue carbon/coastal ecosystems.


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