Climate Change and You

Solving climate change requires systemic change, robust policies, and international cooperation. But your individual actions matter, too.

A person is more likely to adopt a behavior when they see people around them doing it, and when they feel like people around them expect them to do it, too. This is called a social norm. If you eat less red meat, drive an electric vehicle, or install rooftop solar—and then make that behavior observable to your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues—you’re not only reducing your own impact on the climate, you’re significantly influencing those around you, too!

How behavior spreads: the science

So how, exactly, does your personal action influence those around you? In these two short videos, we introduce you to the “Diffusion of Innovation” theory about the spread of behavior across a community.

The Washington Post

Article: The surprisingly simple way
to convince people to go green

The Washington Post’s “Climate Coach” columnist
recently featured Rare in an article about
how climate-friendly choices can spread.

Read the article

A Sunrun worker in Las Vegas carries a solar panel for installation at a home on Aug. 24. (David Becker for The Washington Post)

Watch our explainer video

Do your personal climate actions really matter? Yes! Here’s why.