A people-centered approach to tackling climate change

Human-caused climate change is the existential threat of our time.  Its impacts —rising sea levels, extreme weather and natural disasters, food insecurity, and economic instability, among others—disproportionately affect the most vulnerable people, those least responsible for it, and those least able to adapt to its effects.

At Rare, we’ve seen firsthand how climate change impacts communities disproportionately.  In the Philippines, small-scale fishers living in coastal communities experience rising sea levels and warming temperatures that threaten the grove ecosystems that they rely on for food security. Devastating storms and disasters in Colombia force families to flee their hometowns and relocate for survival.

Rare ensures local communities—those closest to our natural resources—are at the heart of community-led solutions for climate change. We develop climate solutions directly alongside frontline communities to make sure outcomes of our investments are equitable for all.

Photo of fisherwomanAna Yamileth pulling in a net on a small boat.
Ana Yamileth Regalado is a Fish Forever champion and the community president of Cocalito, a small fishing village in the Garifuna municipality of Iriona. The community recognizes her as a leading member of the Canoe Ladies, a self-organized group of 50 local women who fish daily to provide food and economic security to Cocalito’s families. Photo Credit: Lorena Velasco for Rare

Putting people at the center of climate solutions

Emma Houston preparing a plant-rich meal. Compost bin in the background.

Reducing barriers to climate-friendly behaviors

Climate change forms the existential crisis of our time. Today, 72% of Americans see climate change occurring, and two-thirds feel a personal responsibility to reduce global warming. The trouble is, Americans don’t know what to do. We need to help them shift to taking climate action.

About Rare’s Climate Culture program

Sandra Cárdenas among some young mangroves.

Helping people and nature adapt to the impacts of climate change

We empower local resource users to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural climate solutions, like mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass beds, and soils, that reduce peoples’ vulnerability to climate change’s impacts.

About Rare’s Fish Forever program
About Rare’s Lands for Life program

Engage with other climate change leaders around the globe

We produce original research, host engaging events, and develop innovative partnerships to catalyze the adoption of climate-friendly behaviors. We also train change makers to integrate the science of behavior into their work and design behavior-centered climate solutions.

See our climate action resources

Explore our climate work

Fishing for Resilience

In this short film, we see how climate change is impacting the lives of fishers and coastal communities in the Asia Pacific—and how they are adapting to protect their lives and livelihoods.

Mothers of the Mangroves

Mothers of the Mangroves is a four-part video series that explores the fundamental roles many women play as coastal guardians in northern Pará state, nurturing and protecting the ecosystem that supports their lives and livelihoods and helps mitigate our global climate crisis.

Building Community Resilience in the New Era of Climate Migration 

Natural disasters and extreme weather events are forcing people and their communities to make the unfathomable decision to leave their homes to seek safer living conditions. With climate events increasing in power and frequency, we’re just beginning to see the realities of climate migration.  

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Climate change needs behavior change.
Help us inspire change so people & nature thrive.

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Two young Indonesian girls smiling to the camera.